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Let The Body Speak!

I believe we all have the capacity to improve our lives and understand ourselves more fully. Stress seems to find all of us. We tend to find unhealthy ways of coping with stress and once we expereince a great deal of stress we develop habits and patterns of behavior that interfere with our ability to manage stess effectively. There is a great therapy technique that works well with stress and trauma. A therapeutic technique I use is IBSR. What is IBSR? IBSR is a therapeutic tool that addresses the trauma and stress that is lodged in our body when bad things happen or are preceived to have happended to us. These emotional events get embedded in our bodies even before we have words to describe them and cannot be addressed through talk therapy. The most primitive part of our brain, the brain stem holds onto these expereinces which in turn casues the autonomic nervous system (ANS) to be hyper aroused. This can be identified through exaggerated stress response. IBSR resets the ANS and the body regains homeostasis (stability and balance). Once restored the stress is no longer lodged in the body which then makes way for other forms of therapy such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy to be much more effective. However, some clients find they do not need further counseling sessions.

What is a session like?

An IBSR session is an eight step process with superficial conversation that allows the body to begin to release its stress and trauma in a natural way. You will likely experience some unfamilar sensations and possibly some body movement as the stress is naturally released from your body. Treatmeant is typically complete in one session and lasts between 90 and 120 minutes. IBSR is not "talk therapy". In fact, it is quite opposite. Any conversation which we have in session is superficial conversation. For, example, we may talk about the weather, sports, hobbies, etc. There will be no deep conversation about stress or trauma you have or are experienceing in your life. Plus, you will also notice I will have very little eye contact with you. Having superficial conversation and little eye contact is intentional and helps the IBSR process. This helps to minimize the cognitive brain and engage the gut brain.

If you are interested in making a change, please schedule an appointment.

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